Pain points of traditional IDC (Internet Data Center) power distribution solutions
l The monitoring system is unable to detect hardware level, component failure; The hardware is faulty or the software enters a dead-loop. In some cases, the system cannot report alarms. As a result, power consumption and temperature rise rapidly.
l There will be a local temperature dead Angle inside, which will greatly reduce the service life of electronic equipment in the long run.
l Once a fire occurs, it is a devastating blow to the data center room.
Manton IDC intelligent power solutions
(一)Overview of the Manton scheme
1) IDC Intelligent power management without blind spots:The remote centralized control and monitoring at the single-server level can be implemented based on backup and disaster recovery requirements, server type, application type, and temperature and humidity in different periods of 24 hours. Predict server hardware life in advance, as well as situations where certain hardware causes excessive power consumption. Server level leakage protection, short circuit, lightning protection.
2) Low cost, high efficiency:The investment is small, the investment is low, and it can replace many expensive functions and other additional equipment, effectively control energy consumption, save power resources, improve management level, and reduce maintenance and management costs.
(二)Mantunsci scheme design
(三)Mantunsci program highlights
l Fine management, precise control.
l Single server, single fan, air conditioner and other intelligent remote control.
l Single server leakage, short circuit, lightning protection, fault detection warning.
l Detailed to single server real-time energy consumption statistics and report output.
l Centralized automatic control, remote control strategy can be customized.
l The APP provides maintenance personnel with real-time alarm notifications, maintenance results, and performance at a glance.
l The investment is small, the investment start is low, and the old IDC transformation and new plan are simple and good.
l Refined to single application real-time energy consumption statistics and report output, reducing the difficulty of application expansion and power consumption planning.